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When we climb, we are not only competing with each other, but with ourselves and against the given boulder or route and time.

We do measurements as it helps us to become better and better athletes and to push our boundaries even further. Instead of questioning the necessity of tracking in climbing, we should focus on how to make it simple and easy for as many of us as possible.

Why to measure our performance

Doing activities is good. It not only helps us to stay healthy but it also plays an essential role in our result-oriented life so that we can cope with our daily levels of stress.

On the other hand we all know the feeling when we lose our level of motivation. Based on Nicholson’s study about meaningful gamification, this happens due to the lack of positive feedback or rewards.

We constantly need to be encouraged to continue keeping up with our good and hard working habits. If we get informed about our progressions we will have the right courage to do so.

In sports, all we need to do is to measure our workouts. After we set the right measuring points, we can analyze and use them to scale our weekly or even daily development. Moreover, we can also compare these points with our friends, which gives an extra boost in becoming just a little bit better every time we train.

“We constantly need to be encouraged to continue keeping up with our good and hard working habits.”

All in all, a right tracking method can help us to maintain our constant level of motivation. It sets us achievable goals and gives us a framework that supports our growth. The good news is that it’s no different in climbing as well.

How can we keep track of our own progress

The easiest way we can think of is by counting our repeats. Let's take an evident example: doing push-ups. We might ask, is counting the number push-ups we make enough in the long run?The answer is of course not. Put it simply, we are unable to keep in mind the number of reps we managed to do three months or even days ago.

“Put it simply, we are unable to keep in mind the number of reps we managed to do three months or even days ago.”

In order to remember how we did the last time, we need to grab a piece of paper and start writing down the numbers, after each workout.

Of course today, we have way better tools at our disposal. We have easy access to a countless number of really good apps for running, riding, swimming, doing yoga and other fitness activities. Apps can be downloaded free of charge and they do the heavy lifting part of the measurements thanks to the advanced sensors, already built into our phones and smartwatches, apps like Strava, Runtastic, Nike Run Club or the fitness apps made by Apple.

These apps allow us to do workouts in groups or alone. We can participate in global challenges or even in digital competitions. Thanks to the game-like experiences these services offer with achievements and leaderboards we constantly get rewarded.

How can we measure climbing

Measuring climbs are a bit more complicated than this. Taking our phones or smartwatches with ourselves for a climb is not that obvious compared to taking a walk or going for a run. We do not want to risk putting them in our pockets or leaving them laying down on the mat. Even if we do so, there is still the question about the different difficulties between the routes.

Of course, we can use the previously mentioned techniques and bring a stopwatch and a piece of paper with us and make notes after each climb, just like Lauren Abernathy does it in her training plans. Lauren has developed a workout routine for climbers, which helps her perfectly in keeping track of her progress.

Tracking solutions

Is using logbooks the best way to keep track of your climbs? Of course not. There are numerous climbing apps on the Apple App Store and Google’s Play Store. As bringing our phones on a climb is not an option, most of these software-only solutions rely fully on manual data inputs. This means that before or after each climb you have to take several minutes or more and enter a log by hand.

The bonus of these apps is that most can log both indoor gym climbs or boulders and outdoor sport climbs, however, based on our interviews with several climbers they are popular mostly for pro athletes, but what about the rest of us?

At Clift Climbing our designer and engineering team has come up with a technology that solves these problems.

Walls upgraded with Clift Sensors auto-track your climbs and performance. Performance measurement is done in the background so you can concentrate on what matters, climbing.

Saved climbs include data about:

· Route or boulder details: grade, name, routesetter

· Duration of the climb

· Climbed meters

· Number of holds

· Number of missed or extra holds

· Date

You can download the free Clift Climber app on your iOS or Android device. With the app, you can follow your progress and compete with others on the leaderboard.

In short, measuring your climbs is important to stay motivated and goal-oriented over time. You can track using simple solutions like a notebook or go more advanced by downloading an app. Clift makes the tracking experience easy and motivating for all levels of climbers.

Interested in trying Clift Climbing out in your gym? Get in touch with us


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